After the awesomeness that was the Digital Project Management Summit in Philadelphia last year, now it’s the UK’s turn and I’m very pleased to be able to introduce you to DPM:UK and the 2014 event to be held in Manchester on 29th January.

Organised by Manchester Digital and the lovely folks at n-DPM, there is a great speaker line-up already confirmed, Brett Harned (Happy Cog), Paul Boag (Headscape), Rob Borley (Dootrix) and myself (not to be included under the term “great”), tickets are already selling faster than anyone could have predicted and so I suggest you…
There are more speakers to be announced, plus a Q&A panel and several lightning talks that look fantastic and include some familiar and respected faces in the digital project management community.
There are still a couple of sponsor slots available, so if you’re interested in sponsoring the event and getting your company’s brand flashed in the faces of hundreds of UK-based Digital Project Managers, there is no better time or place to get involved. Check out the sponsorship packages.
Follow DPM:UK on Twitter @dpmukconf
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