Ever started a digital project only to realise you’ve underestimated? Read why this always happen and how you can increase accuracy of digital project estimations.
Estimating Time For Digital Projects More Accurately: Part 1
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KPI Definition for Digital Projects
Defining realistic and measurable digital project KPIs, and keeping them at the forefront of everyone’s mind, is not only one of the most crucial parts of a digital project manager’s role, but also takes comparatively less effort than most other project tasks you will perform for what is a huge benefit to all.
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Getting Things Done for Digital Project Management
Moving from web development to digital project management is a long and difficult journey. One of the biggest challenges along the way is learning how to deal with approximately one trillion things each day.
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The Dangers of Outsourcing Digital Design & Development
There is a long-term and real danger of outsourcing web work on a regular basis that can go un-noticed until it is too late….
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