Ohai there brand new shiny Digital PM Summit website and event. I am looking forward to meeting you. That’s right, following on from the epic conference that was the Digital PM Summit 2013 comes the next offering from Happy Cog and the Bureau of Digital Affairs, the Digital PM Summit 2014 to be held over two days in Austin, Texas in October.

They’ve already confirmed a fantastic venue and some great speakers and due to selling out ridiculously fast last time, this time they’re selling early bird tickets, thus I suggest you go and buy yours right now.
Oh yeah, and no, I’m not calling myself ‘great’ you knobhead, I’m just, you know, doing the whole announcing an event-style post where I attempt to get you moderately excited about this so you go and buy tickets i.e. so I don’t see you tweeting four weeks before asking if there are any tickets going spare… do you get me bruv, safe yeah.
Oh whatever, I’m not going to argue with you about it, just go and buy your tickets now!
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