I am not really sure why you’re reading this, tickets are selling out fast for the Digital PM Summit 2013 and so you really should be heading on over there and buying yours. Register now you bloody idiot!
If you’re still reading then I guess you’ll be wanting a little bit more info about the event and my speaking at it – fine!
The Digital PM Summit 2013 is being held on October 14th – 15th in Philadelphia and is described as “The first conference for a community of people who manage all things digital.” and despite some thinking this just means Digital Project Managers, it really doesn’t – it also means freelance designers, developers, UX specialists, engineers, digital agency leads and directors, studio managers and more.
If you’re involved in anyway at all with the running of digital projects then this will be an incredibly valuable event for you.
The speakers are a group of industry leaders and practitioners and include the likes of Jeffrey Zeldman, Michael Lopp, Carl Smith and Whitney Hess. Check out the full speaker line-up.

My own talk is entitled Vice Versa Client Management and the description is…
“Having worked with and delivered projects for too many clients to count, last year Sam found himself in the surreal position of actually being a client himself, responsible for selecting a digital agency, designs, copy, functionality – everything. He thought he’d be an awesome client, he thought the project would be easy – he thought wrong! Instead he gained a unique insight into what it’s like being on the other side that will forever change how he perceives clients and delivers digital projects. Find out what he learnt as well as Sam’s ‘revised’ approach to managing clients, stakeholders and teams.”
Yeah, that’s right, Sam’s speaking in the third-person but would like to make it clear he finds this a bit weird and pretentious whenever he does it.

I’m really excited about this event and honoured to be involved (huge thanks to Brett Harned). I hope you can join me in October or if not, at least help spread the word.
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